Hometown USA

Connecting America's Communities

Washington DC Demographics and Housing Data

State Abbreviation: DC
City Type: City
Total Population: 601723
Population Median: 33.8
Population Male: 284222
Population Female: 317501
Average Houshold Size: 2.11
Average Family Size: 3.01
Total Households: 266707
Total Housing Units: 296719

General Population

Population Under 5: 32613
5 to 9: 26147
10 to 14: 25041
15 to 19: 39919
20 to 24:  64110
25 to 29:  69649
30 to 34:  55096
35 to 39:  42925
40 to 44:  37734
45 to 49:  38539
50 to 54:  37164
55 to 59:  34274
60 to 64:  29703
65 to 69:  21488
70 to 74:  15481
75 to 79:  11820
80 to 84:  9705
85 Plus:  10315
Population Median: 33.8
Population 16 Plus: 512575 
Population 18 Plus: 500908 
Population 21 Plus: 465487 
Population 62 Plus: 85641 
Population 65 Plus: 68809 

Male Population

Population Male: 284222
Under 5:  16533
5 to 9:  13198
10 to 14:  12641
15 to 19:  18951
20 to 24:  28801
25 to 29:  32167
30 to 34:  26617
35 to 39:  21447
40 to 44:  19136
45 to 49:  19534
50 to 54:  18114
55 to 59:  15994
60 to 64:  13398
65 to 69:  9605
70 to 74:  6671
75 to 79:  4782
80 to 84:  3516
85 Plus:  3117
Population Male Median: 33.6
Male 16 Plus: 239203 
Male 18 Plus: 233333 
Male 21 Plus: 217045 
Male 62 Plus: 35270 
Male 65 Plus: 27691 

Female Population

Population Female: 317501
Under 5:  16080
5 to 9:  12949
10 to 14:  12400
15 to 19:  20968
20 to 24:  35309
25 to 29:  37482
30 to 34:  28479
35 to 39:  21478
40 to 44:  18598
45 to 49:  19005
50 to 54:  19050
55 to 59:  18280
60 to 64:  16305
65 to 69:  11883
70 to 74:  8810
75 to 79:  7038
80 to 84:  6189
85 Plus:  7198
Population Female Median: 34
Female 16 Plus: 273372 
Female 18 Plus: 267575 
Female 21 Plus: 248442 
Female 62 Plus: 50371 
Female 65 Plus: 41118 

Populations by Race

Population of Two or More Races: 17316
White & Asian:  904
White & Indian:  3736
White & Black:  3476
White & Other:  2068
Population Race White: 243650
Black:  314352
American Indian:  6521
Asian:  26857
Hawaiian:  1320
Hispanic: 54749
Other: 28621

Household Statistics

Average Household Size: 2.11
Average Family Size: 3.01
Population in Households: 561702
Householder:  266707
Spouse:  58659
Child:  121429
Child Under 18:  80575
Other Relatives:  46591
Other Relatives Under 18:  17444
Other Relatives 65 Plus:  4272
Non Relatives:  68316
Non Relatives Under 18:  1708
Non Relatives 65 Plus:  1975
Non Relatives Unmarried Partner:  20570

Group Quarters Population

Population Group Quarters: 40021
Institutionalized:  7339
Institutionalized Male:  4798
Institutionalized Female:  2541
Non Institutionalized:  32682
Non Institutionalized Male:  16037
Non Institutionalized Female:  16645

Family Household Statistics

Total Households: 266707
Family Households:  112715
With Children Under 18:  {DL
Husband, Wife, Family:  58659
Husband, Wife, Family, Children Under 18:  21142
Male No Wife:  10376
Male No Wife, Children Under 18:  3596
Female No Husband:  43680
Female No Husband, Children Under 18:  21183

Non Family Household Statistics

Non Family Households: 153992
Living Alone:  117431
Living Alone Male:  51964
Living Alone Male 65 Plus:  8808
Living Alone Female:  65467
Living Alone Female 65 Plus:  17105
Households with Individuals Under 18: 55193
65 Plus:  54391

Housing Unit Data

Total Housing Units: 296719
Occupied Housing Units:  266707
Vacant Housing Units:  30012
Vacant Housing Units For Rent:  13393
Vacant Housing Units Rented, Not Occupied:  926
Vacant Housing Units For Sale:  3930
Vacant Housing Units Sold, Not Occupied:  1007
Vacant Housing Units For Seasonal, Occasional Use:  3537
Vacant Housing Units, All Other Vacants:  7219
Housing Units, Homeowner Vacancy Rate Percent:  3.4
Housing Units, Rental Vacancy Rate Percent:  7.9
Housing Tenure, Occupied Housing Units:  266707